Prof., Dr. of Sc. Kartlos Joseph Kachiashvili is Professor of Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems. He is a Member (Academician) of Georgian National Academy of Science. He also is Senior Scientific Worker of the I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Tbilisi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia) and Main Scientific Worker of Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics. He was working in many scientific research institutes and universities in Georgia, Russia and Pakistan on the positions: engineer, scientific worker, Head of Laboratory, Head of Department, Head of National Center, Professor, Rector of Institute. He has 258 scientific works published in various esteemed reputable International Journals. He is a Member of Various (31) Professional Bodies and Editorial Boards of international scientific journals. He published seven monographs and five text-books in Georgia, Ukraine, USA and Indonesia. He has received many prestigious awards and rewards. His research interests are: Mathematical Statistics, Data Analysis (Environmental, Agricultural, Medical), Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, New Computer Technologies Development, System Analysis (Environmental Water Pollution Control Systems), Computing Mathematics, Machine Learning.