ZHIQIANG FAN is an associate professor (May 2023 to present)and a former lecturer(Jan. 2021-Apr. 2023)with the School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC), Chengdu, China. He received the B.Eng. degree in Electronic science and technology and Ph.D. degree in Optical Engineering from the UESTCinJun. 2015 and Dec. 2020,respectively.Hewas a joint Ph.D. student with the Microwave Photonics Research Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Canada,fromSep.2018 to Apr. 2020. Dr.Fan’sresearchfocusesonmicrowavephotonicsandintegratedmicrowavephotonics.Hehaspublishedover40 scientificpapers,includingover30 articlesinpeer-reviewedjournalsandover10papersinconferenceproceedings,wherehehasgivenfourinvitedspeeches.HeisservingasaGuestEditorofaspecialissueonThe Development and Future Prospect of Microwave Photonics in Photonics and a reviewer for peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonics Journal, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,OpticsLetters,OpticsExpress,AppliedOptics,Opticscommunications,etc.HealsoservedasaSessionChairandTechnique committee for IEEEICET 2023andIEEEICAIT2023. Dr.Fanreceivedthe2020 IEEE Photonics Society Graduate fellowship ,which was created to honor the top 10 outstanding Photonics Society student members worldwide pursuing graduate education within the Photonics Society field of interest. He also received the Best Student Paper award in 2019 IEEEMWP and the Wang Daheng(王大珩) Optics Award of the Chinese Optical Society in 2021.? Title of Talk : Optoelectronic Oscillator and its Applications.