Global Conference On

Optics, Photonics and Lasers


Venue: Crowne Plaza: Berlin - Potsdamer Platz, Hallesche str 10, Berlin, 10963. August 22, 2024
Invited Speaker
Prof. Wei-Min Wang
Prof. Wei-Min Wang
Renmin University

Wei-Min Wang received the Ph.D. degree in Optics from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009, and he was an Assistant/Associate research scientist from 2009-2019 in the institution. He is a professor in Department of Physics, Renmin University of China since 2019. His research interests include laser-plasma physics, advanced laser fusion, novel radiation sources and particle acceleration, and QED plasma. He has developed the PIC codes KLAPS. He published over 120 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including 12 in Phys. Rev. Lett./X, 3 in PNAS, 1 in Sci. Adv. He presented over 30 invited/plenary talks at major scientific conferences. He won the IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Computational Physics presented by International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the DPP Young Researcher Award presented by Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) in Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS), Marie Skodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, and Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. He is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physics.

Title of Talk : Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Relativistic Plasma