Global Conference On

Optics, Photonics and Lasers


Venue: Crowne Plaza: Berlin - Potsdamer Platz, Hallesche str 10, Berlin, 10963. August 22, 2024
Plenary Speaker
Prof. Dr. Wei Li
Prof. Dr. Wei Li
Professor and Director, GPL Photonics Lab, CIOMP Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Wei Li is a professor at Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He also serves as the lab director of GPL Photonics Laboratory at CIOMP, CAS.Before joining CAS, he did his Ph.D. and postdoc at Vanderbilt University and Stanford University, respectively. He is the associate editor of npj Nanophotonics, SPIE Spotlights, and the faculty advisor of IEEE Student Chapter and the Optica Student Chapter at CIOMP, CAS.He was the recipient of many awards including MIT Technology Review Innovator Under 35 – TR35 (Asia Pacific) and MINE Young Scientist Award. His research interests include thermal photonics, nanophotonics,and their applications in next-generation energy and information technologies.

Title of Talk : Thermal Photonics and Applications