International Conference on Recent Developments in

Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering


Dubai, UAE November 13-15, 2025
Invited Speaker
Dr. Devendra Vashist
Dr. Devendra Vashist

Dr. Devendra Vashist, currently working as Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Studies (MRIIRS) Faridabad. Dr Vashist has a teaching experience of more than 24 years and has published more than 60 papers in National / International conferences and journals with 3 books in the area of Automobile Engineering. He has completed his B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering from N.I.T. Jalandhar, M.Tech in Energy Studies from I.I.T Delhi and PhD From Jamia Millia Islamia. His areas of interest lie in Automotive Studies, Thermal Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines and Alternative Fuels. He was a key person in establishment of Automotive Training and research centre developed in association with HONDA and Electric One Mobility Pvt Limited at MRIIRS. Presently he is working in the area of EV Dynamics, EV Safety and Standards, AI applications in EV Technology and Electric vehicle retrofit Systems. Dr. Vashist is recipient of Society of automobile Engineers (SAE) Guru award 2016 for his contribution towards SAE activities at Inter-University and Northern India Region by SAE India.Dr. Devendra Vashist has guided three PhD Scholars &fifteenM.Tech students in the area of mobility and associated fields. He has worked as guide and mentors to students who has participated and achieved positions with their innovative projects at national and international level. Presently he is University Proctor and chairman of Proctorial Boardof the University.

Title of Talk : Challenges & Opportunity in EV industry and Safety prospective