Amélie Lesenecal is a doctoral student in developmental psychology at Paris 8 University in the Paragraphe Research Laboratory. She is vice-president of the Civil Organisation “Sur la pointe des pieds”. In a developmental perspective, his thesis focuses on the study of moral judgment applied to the environment (including nature, animals, plants...) in young children. It evaluates the moral judgment applied to the environment through tasks of values, reasoning and empathy. Following her experiments, she first studies the influence of education on the reasoning and knowledge of students who had a specific education. Secondly, she is interested in childhood experiences that can influence pro-environmental behaviours in adulthood related to mental health. She participated in several nationa and international conferences (Paris, Toulon, Lisbonne, Abu-Dabi, Porto). She has several publications. She is an active member for the UNESCO group about the greening curriculum guidance, teaching and learning for climate action.