PAN Jiahua, Member, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Director, Research Centre for Sustainable Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Vice chair, National Expert Panel on Climate Change in China, IGS (Independent Group of Scientists, appointed by UN Secretory-General for drafting GSDR2023) member, and lead author, IPCC Working Group III on Mitigation. Formally director-general, Institute of Eco-civilization Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Science, member of Foreign Policy Advisory Group, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Senior Economist, IPCC Working Group III, Senior Programme Officer, UNDP Beijing Office. Areas of research include sustainable urbanization, energy and climate policy, and new ecological economics. Prize winners of best research work, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2002, 2004 & 2013), Sun Yefang Prize of Economic Sciences(2011), China Green Person of the Year 2010/2011. China Environment Prize (2016).