Electronics Technology
Game Systems
Internet Integration
Driver Assistance
3D Video, Recording, Storage, Compression, Transcoding
Home Gateway
Multimedia Control
A/V Systems
Interactive TV
Communication Engineering and Technology
Home Healthcare
Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
Multiple Access Techniques
RF and Microwave Devices
Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
Channel Model and Characterization
OFDM, CDMA and Spread Spectrum
Mobile Computing Systems
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Satellite, Space and Wireless Communications
Optical Networks and Systems
Capacity, Throughput, Outage and Coverage
QoS, Reliability & Performance Modeling
Networking and Information Security
Next-Generation Networking and Internet
Cognitive Radio Networks
Wireless & Mobile Networking
Multiple Access Techniques
Satellite & Space Communications
Solid-State Electronics
Communications Software and Services
RFID Technology and Application
Emerging Wireless/Mobile Applications
Multimedia in Wireless Networks
Mobility, Location and Handoff Management
Network Protocol and Congestion Control
Wireless Network Security and Privacy
Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networking
Wireless Sensor Networks
Optical Communications
Multimedia Communications
Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio
Interference Cancellation and MUD
Information Theory and Coding
Signal and Image Processing
Antennas and propagation
Optical Communications and Photonics
Instrumentation and Control
IC Design
VLSI Design
Wireless Communications Engineering and Technology
Space-Time, MIMO and Adaptive Antennas
Modulation, Coding and Diversity
4G/5G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN and WPAN
Multi-Hop and Cooperative Communications
Radio Resource Management and Allocation