Global Conference On

Nutritional Science and Food Technology


Paris, France October 20-22,2025
What is an Oral Presentation?

Oral presentations are forms of effective verbal communication that may be accompanied by slides. It is critical that you do not read your slides as your presentation; slides help you make a point, but do not replace your verbal communication. Presenters should not write out their presentations on slides or itemize all their points on a slide—this detracts from the engagement with the audience. If your head is always turned to your slides or looking down at your laptop, you will not deliver a powerful presentation.

Oral Presentation Guidelines

Your cooperation is appreciated in keeping the meeting on schedule for the benefit of all attendees, so please note the following guidelines:

Types of Oral Presentations

Presentation Type Total Allotted Time

Presentation Type Total Allotted Time
Plenary Talk 40 min Followed by Q&A Session
Keynote Talk 30 min Followed by Q&A Session
Invited Talk 25 min Followed by Q&A Session
Featured Talk 20 min Followed by Q&A Session

**Note: Organizers reserve the right to adjust the talk duration for adjustment in program. A presentation must not start late or extend past the scheduled end time. The language of the presentation is English and all presentations should be made in English

Things To Do Before Presentation at a Conference to Prevent Technical Delays/Issues:

Please follow the guidelines below to make your presentation effective:

Bring your USB device to Speaker Check-in at least 1 hour prior to your talk.

Technicians will assist you in pre-loading your presentation to the networked system.

Authors can present using their own devices.

Bring an extra-copy of your presentation to the conference on a USB media storage device. This copy is to be used as a backup if required.

LCD projectors, Screens, Laser pointers and Microphones are provided;

Make sure the USB media storage device and your presentation file are properly labeled with your name, presentation day, and time.

Send your final presentation via email to the organizing committee by the prescribed deadline.

If you need special arrangements (Different operating system, videos to be displayed etc.,) you should make that known to the organizing committee by the presentation submission deadline.

Please note that the organizing committee will not be held responsible for any technical issues occurring due to late communication.

Speakers who have not sent their presentation data ready in a memory stick in PPT format to the organizing staff/session chair should be ready with their laptop in the session room about 30 minutes before the start time.

Technical assistance will be provided during your presentation. All presentations must run on Windows operating system – a Laptop and the Multimedia Projector will be available. The Microsoft PowerPoint is the recommended software to be used. A SMART pointer will be provided to run your presentation on the screen.

What is a virtual Presentation?

If you are unable to attend the conference in person mainly due to financial or any other reasons, but still wish to have your paper presented and published, we offer virtual presentations for your convenience. There are two types of virtual presentations available.

Live Video Presentation via ZOOM

Power Point Virtual Presentation (Pre-recorded by a presenter).

Your Package includes

Presentation slot with Q and A session (15 – 20 min) and live engagement with the conference delegates.

Conference materials including the author certificate as a virtual presenter.

An opportunity to publish in conference proceedings e-book.

Online Video presentation is a great opportunity to,

Present your research via online video presentation to the conference audience, live.

Meet face-to-face with HD Video & Audio.

Watch the presentation or webinar.

Share the screens and PDF documents.

Discuss with peer presenters, the session chair and evaluation panel members and get live feedback.

Be eligible for publication opportunities as regular presenters.

What is a poster Presentation?

As a poster presenter you can deliver your presentation effectively to an audience in the form of a poster. There is no formal oral presentation in a poster session, instead each author is assigned a display area on which diagrams, graphics, data, pictures/photos, and a small amount of text are presented.

The poster should be self-explanatory, but the author should be available at certain times, such as refreshment breaks and during the time devoted to poster session, to interact with viewers and answer questions.

Poster presenters could also derive a lot of benefits from registering for the conference.

Poster Presentation Guidelines:

A poster presentation allows you to interact face to face with people interested in your research.

A time slot will be allocated for the poster viewing in the conference program and please ensure that you stand by your poster(s) for discussions and questions during that session.

Posters should be no larger than A0 (84 cm wide by 119 cm long) in portrait/landscape format. Please follow the guidelines. Check-in at the poster desk THE DAY of your presentation. The presenter must be an author of the poster and a registered attendee.

The poster boards will accept pushpins which will be available in the poster hall. Please return the pins at the end of your poster session.

Display your material in large print so it may be read from a distance. Print TITLE and AUTHORS in extra-large print across the top of your display.

Poster presenters are able to explain their material, answer questions, exchange contact information, and fully discuss the subject matter, as visitors examine the displays during the time allocated for poster presentation.

Workshop Presentations:

Workshop presentations are interactive skills-based discussions that last 90-120 minutes. Workshops must be interactive, and include practical information that participants can bring back to their communities.